Terms & Conditions

General Policy Statements

Confidentiality and Access to Medical Records

The comprehensive legal frameworks, protections, and regulatory standards that apply to in-person Maryland clinics and medical and mental health consultations are equally enforced for telehealth services. This encompasses the rigorous maintenance of patient confidentiality and the proper management and accessibility of medical records. Patients have an unequivocal right to decline telehealth services for themselves or their children or persons under their guardianship at any point without forfeiting their benefits or future healthcare entitlements. For instance, if a patient prefers face-to-face consultations due to concerns about digital privacy, they can opt out of telehealth services without any repercussions to their ongoing care.

Telehealth Services: Overview and Scope of Services

Professionals at the Joy of Life Clinic LLC are fully authorized to provide pertinent medical and mental health care through telehealth platforms, including voice calls, video calls, and secure messaging services. These clinicians are equipped to prescribe medications or recommend alternative treatments based on clinical assessments. For example, a patient suffering from anxiety may receive therapy sessions via video calls and have their medication adjusted as necessary. However, it is important to note that telehealth may not be appropriate for all medical conditions, particularly those requiring physical examination or urgent medical intervention.

A situation where telehealth would be inappropriate and a physical presence and examination by the provider is required could involve a patient experiencing severe symptoms of a psychotic disorder, such as schizophrenia. For instance, imagine a patient named John who has a history of schizophrenia and begins experiencing severe symptoms, including auditory and visual hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and extreme agitation. He reports hearing voices commanding him to harm himself, and he struggles to distinguish these hallucinations from reality. In this scenario, telehealth services would be insufficient for several critical reasons, including safety concerns and the need for comprehensive assessment, immediate intervention, and a supportive environment.

So, just like an individual with severe chest pain should seek immediate in-person medical attention rather than relying on telehealth services, someone who may have taken an overdose of narcotic drugs, should seek immediate in-person medical attention.

Risks and Benefits

Telehealth services offer significant advantages, such as convenience and flexibility, enabling patients to access care from the comfort of their own homes. For example, a busy professional might find telehealth appointments more manageable than in-person visits. However, there are limitations to this mode of healthcare delivery. Certain medical conditions necessitate direct, in-person assessment and care, which telehealth cannot provide. For instance, diagnosing a complex skin condition may require a physical examination to accurately determine the appropriate treatment.

Scheduling and Attendance

Patients are requested to provide at least 48 hours notice if they need to reschedule or cancel their appointments. Failure to do so may result in fees or the termination of services. For example, if a patient repeatedly cancels last minute, they might be charged a fee or may lose the privilege of scheduling future appointments. This policy helps ensure that appointment slots are available for other patients in need.

Authorization for Minor’s Behavioral Health Services: Requirements for Guardians Consenting on Behalf of Minor Children

NOTICE: The Joy of Life Clinic serves only adults 18 years or older. The information information provided here about service to minors is only in an unlikely case of dealing with any patient that is a minor

To authorize our services for a minor child (should we offer such service, given that we serve only adults), the consenting guardian must have either sole or joint legal custody. In cases of separation or divorce, the consenting guardian must inform the other parent about the sessions with a Joy of Life Clinic LLC professional. For example, a mother with joint custody must notify the father about their child's therapy sessions. The guardian is responsible for ensuring proper authorization and may be required to present custody documentation upon request. This would ensure that all legal requirements are met and both parents are informed and involved in the child's mental health care.

Parental Involvement and Patient Privacy

Throughout the treatment process, the Joy of Life Clinic LLC professionals may conduct meetings with parents either separately or jointly, depending on the case's requirements. Patient privacy is rigorously upheld, ensuring that sensitive information is protected. For example, during family therapy sessions, clinicians will ensure that each participant's privacy is maintained. However, communications may be disclosed unless parental rights have been legally revoked. This policy upholds legal and ethical standards, safeguards the child's welfare, and promotes transparency between separated or divorced parents regarding the child's mental health treatment, preventing unauthorized consent and potential legal disputes..


Our support team is not equipped to handle medical emergencies. If you or a loved one is experiencing a medical emergency, considering self-harm, or posing a threat to others, please dial 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room. For example, in the event of severe hallucinations or drug overdose, calling emergency services is imperative rather than seeking telehealth support.

Call 9-1-1 by Joy of Life Clinic, Baltimore, MD
Call 9-1-1 by Joy of Life Clinic, Baltimore, MD


Privacy Practices

We are committed to adhering to federal healthcare privacy laws to protect your information. While we implement robust measures to secure data, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of information transmitted over the Internet. Health records may be shared with authorized parties for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. For example, your information may be shared with your insurance company to process claims.

For further details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


All payments are due before the provision of services. Credit cards will be kept on file and may be billed for no-shows and cancellations. For example, if you miss an appointment without notifying us in advance, your card may be charged a fee. It is advisable to contact your insurance company to verify and confirm benefits, particularly for out-of-network outpatient mental health services.


We may contact you with appointment reminders or important announcements via email or text message. Please be aware that these communication methods are not always secure, as they traverse networks beyond our control. By providing your contact information, you consent to these communication methods. For example, you might receive a text reminder for an upcoming appointment. You have the option to opt out of these communications at any time.

Complaint Policy

You have the right to voice complaints regarding the care received. Formal complaints may be submitted in writing to getinfo@jolclinic.com. For instance, if you are dissatisfied with the treatment you received, you can submit a detailed complaint via email, and we will address your concerns promptly and professionally.

We will work hand in hand with you to help overcome any stumbling blocks you or your loved ones might be facing, so you can uncover your true potential.


We emphasize the impact a real professional assistance can have on your life and happiness.

With us, you’re never alone: we are with you from the initial interview to the celebration times.

We are results-driven, and help our clients understand and unlock the true value of their lives.

Psychiatric evaluation and management

We also provide these administrative services

Here're addiction problems we treat

And we provide nutrition and weight management services to make your well-being even more complete

Don't let life's challenges define you—or your loved one—we are here to help you overcome and thrive!

Here're psychosocial and psychosomatic issues we treat

We operate under the laws and regulations of the State of Maryland as a Maryland outpatient clinic.

The Joy of Life Clinic - a Maryland mental health clinicThe Joy of Life Clinic - a Maryland mental health clinic